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Burnt Out Mothers Club T-shirt Variation Large


Burnt Out Mothers Club T-shirt Variation Large


Introducing our Burnt Out Mothers T-Shirt, the perfect blend of comfort and style for all the tireless moms out there. Crafted with lightweight materials, this unisex-sized shirt is designed to provide ultimate comfort, allowing you to conquer the demands of motherhood with ease. Whether you're running errands or enjoying a well-deserved break, our Burnt Out Mothers T-Shirt ensures you stay cool and comfortable throughout the day. Embrace the beauty of motherhood while looking effortlessly chic in this

• unisex 

• Large front print

• machine wash cold, tumble dry low 

If you prefer an oversized fit to go with biker shorts etc we recommend sizing up one size. If you’re more into a tight fit size down one, but if you’re right in between stick to your normal size.

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